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View Database Brochure

This message board will be used to communicate any important notices.
Please check regularly to keep you up to date with the latest information.

We will be providing ratings for the four days of the 2010 Flemington Melbourne Cup Carnival commencing this Saturday.

Database subscribers can access these ratings for HALF PRICE of $125 for the 4 days of Flemington.

We will also include our Best Bets for the 4 days.

You can place an order via the Shopping Cart link on the left. Fill in the order and we will charge you only half the price on the order form. Alternately you can call 03 9877 3573 to order by credit card.

email us by clicking here


Horse Birthdays 2005

Before running the Age Update this year, it is suggested you wait until Tuesday's Results Update file which will close off the season's racing on Sunday 31/7/05.
You should backup the Horse file BEFORE you run it (see instructions below).
An updated Horse file will be placed in the Upgrades area if you need to download it. However the size of the file means it may take some time to download if you do not have broadband. If you decide to download this file you will need to ensure you overwrite your existing Horse.dat file (after extracting) and you will need to reindex the Horse file after overwriting. It is easier if you simply run the Age Update at the correct time, which is AFTER you run all Results Update files next Tuesday, which will include a New Zealand Update as well.
We will endeavour to place all Results files here earlier than usual on Tuesday. You may start looking after 5pm, but if not there then they will be there by 8pm.



Programme Upgrade
There is an upgraded accurat.exe, version 1.5 in the Upgrades area. Before you download it locate a file called accurat.ini in your accuratings folder.

The last entry in this file contains your software code. Make a note of it to input after you install the upgraded programme.
This new version now displays Starting Price in the history in dividend form as has become the standard now, e.g. 2/1 is 3.0

Also in the Upgrades area is the programme that produces the Autorate/Ultimate Handicapper figures, as well as the programme that updates your results. After adding your results, the old fields will now be deleted, so dual engagements will now be more accurate in the Ultimate Handicapper. The change to the ratings now allows a slightly longer break between runs before imposing a penalty.

After downloading the 3 files, copy to the accuratings directory, ensuring you overwrite existing files.


Horse Age Update
Before updating the horse age on August 1, please do the following:
download the file horsback.bat from the Database Upgrades page, and copy to your accuratings directory.

Double click  to run it.

This will backup your horse data and index files.
It is most important you do this first.

To update horse ages, click "Modify"  from the main screen of The Win-Ultimate Database programme, then click "August 1 Age Update"

Confirm "Yes" only if you have backed up your horse file as above.

Ignore any beeps as this relates to large numbers in the horse age field which won't cause any problems.

Any queries please call 03 9877 3573 10am - 6pm

Win-Ultimate Upgrade
An upgraded Win-Ultimate 2000 file ver 1.4, accurat.exe is in the Upgrades link. Download to working directory, i.e accuratings directory, ensuring you overwrite existing file.
It contains the following changes:
- Ultimate Handicapper:
- consistencies now default on
- Print multiplier fixed in Handicapper, can now
 choose whole number or .5 number, eg. 3.5
- Save prompt when selecting previous race in view fields after modifying weights
- Can now view print files in Handicapper, eg. a01,a02 etc
- bug in Age Improvement column in Horse Analyser for horses running june/july fixed.
- Find button now on Edit Race Data
- Default to yes on exit
- View race Schedule now displays all meetings rather than mainstream meetings.
- Name Changes now on Add Data Menu

16/6/03 Tracks file
If you have any trouble with the new tracks, e.g.  the two new Sandown tracks, or the Randwick All Weather track, download tracks.exe from the Upgrades page, copy to accuratings folder, double click to expand, ensuring you overwrite existing files when prompted.

17/7/03 Apprentice claims
We are now getting apprentice claims from the RSB, so the claims displayed in the fields should now be very accurate. Please let us know if you find any errors.












If you wish to change your password, please email passwords@accuratings.com.au